Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pepper Mushroom Chicken

Chicken Thighs - 8 count
Bell Peppers - 1 medium size
Mushrooms - 8 approximately
Garlic - 2 Tbsps chopped
Cumin - 1 Tbsp
salt - 2 tsps
Red pepper flakes - 1 Tbsp
Canola oil - 3 Tbsps


  • Grind garlic, cumin, red pepper flakes and salt into a chunky style marinade.
  • Cut off extra fat on the skinless chicken thighs and rub the marinade on all sides of each piece.
  • Add oil on a flat pan that fits atleast 4 of the thighs and just add the pieces and fry until the bottom side turns nice golden brown. Turn the other side and add half of the peppers and mushrooms which were chopped thinly, and cover the lid.
  • Keep tossing the vegetables with a thong, turning sides letting the vegs cook. Since vegs have no salt just drizzle some salt on them with a salt shaker.
  • Once both sides of chicken is done, drain out the pieces onto a flat platter.
  • Repeat the same steps for remaining half of the pieces.
  • This dish can be eaten like an appetizer or an entree (with little quick cooking flavoured rices/pastas).

1 comment:

Glennis said...

Sounds very delicious.